Creating Affiliates

An affiliate is a subsidiary group or organization officially attached to a larger organization. SecurTime allows you to add any number of affiliates, view or edit the affiliates, or download a report of added affiliates.

The first step towards configuring an organization is to create an affiliate.

Creating an Affiliate

To create an affiliate in SecurTime

  1. Select Organization > Affiliates from SecurTime side menu. The Affiliates main page is displayed.
  2. Select New Affiliate button at the right corner of the window. The Create Affiliate window is displayed.
Create Affiliate Window
  1. Enter the following details in the Create Affiliate window:
    • NameEnter a name of the affiliate.
    • Phone NumberEnter the phone number of the affiliate.
    • AddressEnter the address of the affiliate or search the affiliate through Google location search enabled in this field. This address determines the SecurAX biometric device’s timezone at the branch.
    • Enable Custom Master—Select this checkbox if you want to set a custom master menu for the affiliate. For example, suppose you want to enter a master menu named “Vendors” within the main Organization menu, you can define it here.
    • Is Mandatory?—Select this checkbox if you want the custom master field to be mandatory.
    • Master Screen—Enter the name of the custom master menu/screen in this field.
    • Financial Year Details—Select the starting Month and starting Day of the month in the required fields.
  2. Click Save to save the changes. A message is displayed that the affiliate is created successfully. The newly created affiliate is displayed in the Affiliates main page.

Sample Custom Masters Menu 

The following steps explain how to create custom master entries from the custom master menu that you have added in the newly created affiliate above.

  1. Refresh the screen (Ctrl+R) and you can view the newly added custom master menu within the main Organization menu. The following figure shows the sample custom master menu named Vendors:
Sample Custom Master Menu—Vendors
  1. Click on New Vendors to add a new vendor. The Create Vendors page is displayed.
Sample Custom Master Menu Page—Create Vendors Page
  1. Enter the name of the vendor in Name and click Save. The newly added vendor entry is saved in the Vendors main page under Vendors custom master menu.
Sample Custom Master Menu Page—Vendors Main Page
  1. You can view, edit, or search for entries in the custom Vendors main page.
Sample Custom Master Menu Page—View/Edit/ Search Options


You can also do the following tasks from the Affiliates window: